To comply with federal law, Lincoln County School District (LCSD) #1 employs Securly for Internet content filtering and monitoring. However, no Internet content filtering system can be 100% effective in preventing access to harmful and inappropriate material. There are times when filtering may not catch objectionable material, and there are ways to bypass any filtering. There is a risk that students may access material not considered to be of educational value in the school setting. If students mistakenly access inappropriate information, they should immediately disclose this access to their teacher or other supervising staff member. If students find that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites, they should report such use to the supervising teacher. Students should always use vigilance, care, and caution when using the internet. Users should not use district resources to view or otherwise gain access to potentially objectionable materials. This includes text materials, video, images, or sound files that may be considered objectionable in an educational setting.
What devices are protected by the content filter?
By law, all connections made from within the District network to any Internet resource are filtered. This includes student traffic, staff traffic, and any users on our "guest" network.
As a receiver of federal E-rate monies, LCSD #1 must provide Internet content filtering on all connections from the district network and from any district owned devices reguardless of location. We filter district owned devices using Securly, a web-based filter that can filter both inside and out the district network.
What content is automatically filtered by the district?
Sites we block and/or filter are divided into three categories:
How do we accomplish content filtering?
We employ Securly as our content filtering method:
However, a growing number of students possess smartphones with their own third-party Internet connection (i.e. Verizon or Union.) These are not on the district network or owned by the district; therefore, they are not protected by district filtering.